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Rose Quartz



"I reconcile with myself to reconnect with the world in kindness and resilience." 

Rebalances the crown chakra



Opaque Pink Gemstone

Rose Quartz cultivates resilience, well-being, peace, comfort, and gentleness in life. It fosters self-acceptance and brings tenderness, inspiring a willingness to engage in "humanitarian" endeavors. It harmonizes all relationships, enhancing empathy and sensitivity. It encourages spiritual growth. It helps you reconnect with the world with loving-kindness, fostering a desire for peace among all beings. It soothes emotional wounds. It calms crises of despair. It heals heartaches, transforming them into "loving vibrations." It helps to overcome childhood traumas. It harmonizes geobiological disturbances.

This is the energy of Unconditional Love for peace in the world.


Rose Quartz is one of the rarest varieties of quartz. Its crystal system is rhombohedral, and it is primarily composed of silicon dioxide.

Its pink color is due to the presence of titanium or manganese within the gaps in its crystal lattice structure.

The ancients fashioned seals from it, while the Romans attributed medicinal properties to it, particularly the ability to heal wounds. The main deposits are found in Minas Gerais, Brazil, as well as in Madagascar.


  • Take one full pipette ( = 3 pipette strokes) each morning on an empty stomach.
  • Hold the liquid under your tongue for 1 minute before swallowing.
  • Continue taking the elixir every morning until the bottle is finished.

For optimal benefits, we recommend:

  • Taking the Rose Quartz Elixir in a quiet and peaceful setting.
  • Regularly and mindfully reading the accompanying mantra:

"I reconcile with myself to reconnect with the world in kindness and resilience."


Energized Water (100ml) made with alcohol-free raw crystals – Organic Silicon (Monomethylsilanetriol) – Orgono Living Silica® - Silicon content per 100 ml (1 bottle): 10.3 mg – Silicon content per 2 ml (1 pipette): 0.206 mg – Potassium Sorbate: 0.20% - Sodium Benzoate.

Food supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. This product is intended for adults only, keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place away from light.After opening, store in the refrigerator and consume within 2 months. If the bottle has not yet been opened, you can refer to the expiry date printed on the label on the back of the bottle.

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